Aug 27, 2014
The Redacted Team examines police militarization and how Time, Inc.
rates its writers. George W. Bush recalls his torturing days, John
F. O'Donnell recalls his history with Hillary Clinton, and Sam
Sacks gets a face full of tear gas.
Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp airs every Friday at 8pm EST on RT
America and...
Aug 19, 2014
Team Redacted reveals the real reason behind Right To Farm bills
and the decline of Wal-Mart. Sam Sacks gets a robot to do his job,
and John F. O'Donnell embraces a kinder, gentler type of
Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp airs every Friday at 8pm EST on RT
America and every episode can also be found...
Aug 12, 2014
Team Redacted reveals the execution of an innocent man. And apparently we're all supposed to teach our children to open carry. Sam Sacks tells us how the US is trying to overthrow Cuba with AID, and John F. O'Donnell worries that the FCC will destroy...
Aug 5, 2014
The Redacted Team gives peace a chance, while police are given
cameras to wear. The homeless get homes, a cuddler gets paid,
Wikipedia gets edited, and a Boy Scout gets on the terror watch
list. A paralyzed man gets a brain implant, and a reporter speaking
for Palestine gets their title changed.
Redacted Tonight...