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Moment of Clarity

Jan 27, 2020

Gareth Porter talks about Israel's involvement with Iran, PLUS we talk about MLK's assassination attempt, the Virginia protests, the worst tweets of the week and so much more!

Live Stand Up Comedy & Book Release Tour Dates in Dallas, Austin, Flagstaff, Asheville, Greensboro, Atlanta, Burlington, Montreal, Ottawa,...

Jan 20, 2020

Rania Khalek talks about the situation in Iran & Iraq, Mike Monetta talks about getting money out of politics! PLUS California is robbing votes from people and so much more! 

Live Stand Up Comedy & Book Tour in Philadelphia, Dallas, Austin, NYC, Flagstaff, Asheville, Burlington, Montreal, Ottawa, Columbus, Toronto and...

Jan 13, 2020

Everything you need to know about why we're escalating things with Iran with Interviews and more! 

Live Stand Up Comedy Shows in Philadelphia, Austin, Dallas, NYC, Flagstaff, Asheville, Burlington, Montreal, Ottawa, Columbus & Toronto!

Jan 5, 2020

Sam Knight from the District Sentinel talks about the impeachment, new attacks on women and more! PLUS the Best of Redacted Tonight's segments on Police Brutality. 

Live Stand Up Comedy & Book Tour Shows in Oakland, Philly (2 shows), Dallas, Austin, Asheville (2 Shows), Burlington, Montreal (2 shows), Columbus, Toronto...