Feb 22, 2021
Lee Camp looks into how a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study into the US's sanctions on Venezuela exemplifies the callousness of US sanctions programs. The report focuses on the symbolic acts the US took while secretly backing a coup.
Feb 16, 2021
The richest people in the world have stolen trillions from average Americans over the last four decades. Lee Camp takes a look at the redistribution of wealth that our ruling class loves and what we can do about it. The rich have been stealing from the public coffers for too long and taking that money back isn't...
Feb 8, 2021
Lee talks about Youtube's Mass Demonetization campaign has targeted leftist content creators. Lee also talks to Suzie Dawson about Panquake and various other guests!
Feb 1, 2021
Lee talks to special guests Naomi Karavani, Tan Lui & Krish Mohan about the Death Penalty, how Wall St. is a Ponzi Scheme & Biden on Oil Subsidies and much much more!