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Moment of Clarity

Mar 30, 2020

A look into how we're all getting through this quarantine and how Socialism is saving Capitalism! 

Mar 23, 2020

A panel discussion about why it took a Pandemic to get everyone to care, updates on COVID-19 and more!

Mar 16, 2020

Chris Hedges talks about the failures in our system, Jordan Chariton on the real stories about the Primary! PLUS the Truth about COVID-19, Exit Polls and more!

Mar 9, 2020

George Galloway talks about Julian Asange & his importance, Voter suppression on Super Tuesday, Media hysteria about the Corona Virus and more!

Live Stand Up Comedy & Book Release shows in Flagstaff, Tucson, Asheville, Greensboro, Atlanta, Burlington, Montreal, Ottawa, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cleveland, Toronto and more!

Mar 2, 2020

Former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul talks about American Imperialism & Asange, Corporate media has a mental breakdown, CNN shills for Bloomberg and so much more!

LIVE Stand Up Comedy & Book Release tours in NYC, Flagstaff, Tucson, DC, Asheville, Greensboro, Atlanta, Burlington, Montreal, Ottawa, Pittsburgh, Columbus,...